Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta launches pilot programme for strengthening of Special Juvenile Police Unit at Goalpara

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Launching the programme in a meeting held at the Natasurjya Phani Sarma Auditorium, Goalpara town, the DGP Mahanta said that police has a critical role in ensuring protection for children who come into contact with the police system. Assam Police is committed towards children. Every police officer must be sensitive and must be able to provide justice for all children. A strong SJPU can play the critical role of bringing speedy justice to the door-steps of children, and this initiative is a stepping stone towards achieving that goal, he mentioned.

In his welcome address the SP, Goalpara, VV Rakesh Reddy said that Goalpara Police is happy to take lead in the SJPU strengthening programme and district police will take all possible measures to ensure speedy justice for each and every child who comes into contact with the police system.

It may be mentioned that Section 107 of the Juvenile Justice Act, has a special provision for the constitution of a Special Juvenile Police Units (SJPU) at the District Level. This special police unit has the responsibility of coordinating all children related issues in the district. To strengthen the SJPU structures across the state, the Assam Police, in collaboration with UTSAH Child Rights Organisation and UNICEF Assam has been undertaking various initiatives like training of police officials in child-rights laws, upgradation of child-friendly infrastructure in police stations, organising children-related initiatives, regular monitoring of case pendency in child-related cases, social media campaigns on child-related issues amongst others.

This ‘SJPU Strengthening Program’ is a component of the Assam Police Shishu Mitra Program. This pilot programme will be initially implemented in Guwahati Police Commissionerate, Sivasagar and Goalpara districts and will be later scaled up to other districts of Assam.

IGP, Western Range; superintendents of police and senior police officers from six districts of Assam, officers from UNICEF; senior officers from Goalpara district including officers from DLSA, CWC, JJB, DCPU, Health department, Special Court; children from various schools, also attended the launch ceremony. Students of Royal Global University also performed a play themed around child trafficking, child marriage, child labour and child sexual abuse.

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