MoU signed between Samagra shiksha and Magic bus

2 min read

GUWAHATI, August 16: Two years MoU was signed recently by Dr. Om Prakash, Mission Director, Samagra Shiksha, Assam and Jayant Rastogi, Global CEO, Magic Bus India Foundation in continuation of the partnership from last year to implement Teacher led activity-based Life Skill Education in Assam covering approximately 10,187 schools across all districts to reach approximately 21 lakh adolescents.
The goal of the partnership is to equip children with life skills to lead fulfilling lives with improved life, school and work outcomes.
The partnership strives towards impacting positively knowledge, attitude, resilience and gender inclusion in schools based on 21st century core life skills.
The outcomes of the Programme aims to improved capacity to transact life skills sessions and discussions with the adolescents at teacher level. Improved socio-emotional competencies and skills towards managing everyday challenges and destabilisers at student level. Improved aspiration to complete secondary school and transition to higher education.
Improved responsiveness of the Government system in integrating life skills as part of the NEP commitment to holistic education at system level.
It may be stated here that this MoU also aspires to impact system leaders and school leaders towards their personal efficacy with transference and ownership being the core.
Magic Bus with a team of 20 professionals across the state will catalyze this process in association with the district and the block officials.
Development of frameworks, teacher manual, curating the syllabus and textbooks, training of teachers and a robust mechanism for monitoring supervision and on site support are among the key highlights of the partnership.

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