Though the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in the election campaigns, are claiming credit for the process of updating the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) said that no party has the right to try and take credit for the process, which gathered momentum only because of constant monitoring of the Supreme Court.
The AASU chief adviser said that the process of updating the NRC started gathering momentum only after the Supreme Court started monitoring the process. Even then, the Congress Government submitted an affidavit saying that 2014 should be the cut off year for updating the NRC, which was rejected by the Supreme Court.
Bhattacharya said that now the process gathered momentum only because of Supreme Court’s constant monitoring and from time to time, the Court had to express its displeasure because of actions of the Central and State Governments including transfer of officers engaged in the process. That is why, the only credit for expediting the process of updating the NRC should go to the Supreme Court and not to any political party, he added.