11 held for spreading fake news

1 min read

AIZAWL, March 11 – Eleven youths have been arrested here for spreading fake news about coronavirus on the social media. Police sources said a few youths, who had originally posted the fake news about a woman in Aizawl being infected by COVID-19, and others who forwarded the posts were arrested on Tuesday.

Police said two fake news items about COVID-19 were posted on WhatsApp on Monday. While the first one said one confirmed case in Mizoram was detected in Aizawl on Monday, the second one said that a woman from the ITI locality in Aizawl who had returned from Singapore, had contracted COVID-19 and had been moved to an isolation ward at the Zoram Medical College.

The arrested persons were booked under Section 505 (1)(b) of the IPC at the Vaivakawn PS.

Md Elias Ali

I am Md Elias Ali, I am the Managing Editor & Co-Founder of News portal Guwahati Times. I am also a technologist, social media expert, graphic designer, educator & author from Guwahati, Assam

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