Health camp at Guwahati Airport

2 min read

GUWAHATI,April 24: A Free Health Camp has been organized collaboratively by Indigo airline and GIAL, the airport operator of Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Guwahati today .

It is an initiative under the Corporate Social Responsibility. The camp was organised at GIAL Administrative Building for the employees of LGBI airport. working at different organizations.
It may be mentioned here that the health camp was monitored by a team of Apollo Hospital doctors under the guidance of Chief physician Dr. Soma Dhar Sarkar and Dr. Nabyendu Sinha.

Various medical tests like Blood Pressure, Diabetics, Eyesight and other generic tests were included in the check programme. Besides giving the medical advice, the doctors also gave counseling to the employees on the health issues and prevention measures. In all, more than 400 participants attended the camp. In this context, Chief Airport Officer Utpal Baruah says, – ” Health is wealth. But, the irony of the modern days is that we procrastinate most in actions relating to our own healths and keep delaying. By conducting this camp, we bring the facility to our threshold. At least, checking basic parameters can give us a good glimpse of our health. Initiated by our esteemed stakeholder Indigo airlines, we are extremely happy in organizing the Camp.”


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